Understanding White Balance

Saturday 18 February, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Suitability: 14+

£20. Book via mervyn@belfastexposed.org

Photography, as a creative art form, and science go hand in hand. This workshop looks at the science of Kelvin in your photography, better known as “White Balance”. We look at the History of Lord Kelvin and how we use his temperature scale in photography, more so now in modern digital photography.
Participants will gain knowledge in how to set the correct White Balance using their Kelvin and White Balance settings. We will undertake different photography set-ups, from studio to location daylight and mixed lighting sources, which can be very difficult for the photographer to master. The workshop will enable you to understand the science behind White Balance and improve your photography.


Belfast Exposed
23 Donegall Street
Belfast BT1 2FF


Belfast Exposed