A Slice of Pi

Monday 20 February - Sunday 20 November, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Suitability: Year 10

For bookings contact bookings@stemaware.com

STEM Aware are working with Seagate on a very exciting Raspberry Pi 3 project for year 10 pupils. We are very keen to develop students coding abilities and get them hands on experience creating their very own Raspberry Pi 3 project. We would like to visit your school and run a 2 hour workshop in your assembly hall with a full year group of year 10 students. The workshop will introduce pupils to coding using Raspberry Pi's, allowing students to get hands on with examples of projects we have created. We will help pupils develop ideas for their very own project- which they can enter into our competition to win some very cool tech prizes.


In your school!



STEM Aware