The Battle of Predator and Pest (Schools)

Friday 24 February, 10am-11am & 11.30am-12.30pm 

Suitability: Key Stages 3 & 4

For bookings contact

Biological control is the use of natural enemies to control pests. In the home garden this can be done by introducing predators that eat the pests, parasitic wasps that parasitize the pests or pathogenic nematodes that enter into and infect the pest with a fatal bacterial disease. Biological controls are mainly used in greenhouses like the Tropical Ravine so come along to this practical workshop with our expert to engage in live demonstrations using modern stereo-binocular and high magnification microscopes with live video projection to watch the world of pest and predator as they do battle on pre infected plants.


Botanic Gardens College Park Botanic Ave
Belfast BT7 1LP


Belfast City Council